No Stress, No Change
Like all animals, human beings are natural, DNA-driven creatures of habit. This is rooted in the biological concept of homeostasis. Simply put, homeostasis is based on the premise that adaptation does not occur unless it causes significant pain or near-death experiences. This explains why we often suffer endlessly, leading to earlier occurrences of illness and death, as we cling to our bad psychological and physical habits despite the stress and biological disintegration they cause.
In psychology, this is known as the secondary gains of pain. Here, the pain provides a sense of familiarity, not something different, even though the different could be beneficial. Recognizing this helps many decide to make significant self and life changes in order to practice change. Yes, change must be practiced extensively to become ingrained in the biological structure of our brains 🧠.
If one can view internal stress as an opportunity to improve quality of life rather than a reason to remain depressed or anxious, the potential for increased happiness, a lengthened lifespan, and less illness is possible.
After all, Science proves Stress Kills.