Comebacks are painful but profoundly purposeful. Scientific evidence suggests that humans grow stronger and better when faced with challenges. This should offer some encouragement when one feels behind the eight ball 🎱.
When this happens, one can either fold or view this slump as an opportunity to improve rather than give up. Giving up is a one-way street to pain, suffering, and typically some form of psychological or physical problem due to a traumatized neurological system.
To make a comeback, one must change, and change is a biological process, not a psychological one. Expecting the mind to tell the brain 🧠 to automatically switch gears ⚙️ is scientifically impossible, leading many people into depression and despair.
This is where self-acceptance of our flaws and a conscious, present effort to change becomes the healthy choice. In other words, we must develop a better habit to replace the one that causes us distress. Instead of “No,” the answer should be “Yes.”
Our brains 🧠 are natural and not robotic like artificial intelligence. Change takes time. However, neuroscience teaches us that our brains 🧠 adapt based on how we process our thoughts and experiences. Recent research has shown that if a person remains cognitively consistent in responding to internal messages such as thoughts or feelings, the cells in our brains 🧠 change in structure. The duration of this process depends on how often the person practices such internal modifications.
Here is where setting positive and adaptive, rather than self-defective, daily mindsets, along with positive self-affirmations (self-statements that make us feel good, not bad), can lead to neurological and then psychological change much faster than indiscriminate awareness.
Comebacks are wonderful and remarkable. Many people who have experienced significant challenges say that if they had not faced an almost near-death experience, they wouldn’t be in the best part of their lives in the present.
The hardest part is maintaining hope when one is suffering. Perhaps if more people understood that the only way humans improve is through the experience of pain, they might feel more encouraged.
So, embrace your internal faults and decide to change your brain 🧠 by guiding it with your mind and assuring it that things will be better than ever if this time of struggle is used to grow, not to lose.